Class **Phalcon\\Crypt** ======================== *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\CryptInterface ` .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html :raw-html:`Source on GitHub` Provides encryption facilities to phalcon applications .. code-block:: php encrypt($text, $key); echo $crypt->decrypt($encrypted, $key); Constants --------- *integer* **PADDING_DEFAULT** *integer* **PADDING_ANSI_X_923** *integer* **PADDING_PKCS7** *integer* **PADDING_ISO_10126** *integer* **PADDING_ISO_IEC_7816_4** *integer* **PADDING_ZERO** *integer* **PADDING_SPACE** Methods ------- public **setPadding** (*mixed* $scheme) Changes the padding scheme used public **setCipher** (*mixed* $cipher) Sets the cipher algorithm public **getCipher** () Returns the current cipher public **setKey** (*mixed* $key) Sets the encryption key public **getKey** () Returns the encryption key protected **_cryptPadText** (*mixed* $text, *mixed* $mode, *mixed* $blockSize, *mixed* $paddingType) Pads texts before encryption protected **_cryptUnpadText** (*mixed* $text, *mixed* $mode, *mixed* $blockSize, *mixed* $paddingType) If the function detects that the text was not padded, it will return it unmodified public **encrypt** (*mixed* $text, [*mixed* $key]) Encrypts a text .. code-block:: php encrypt("Ultra-secret text", "encrypt password"); public **decrypt** (*mixed* $text, [*mixed* $key]) Decrypts an encrypted text .. code-block:: php decrypt($encrypted, "decrypt password"); public **encryptBase64** (*mixed* $text, [*mixed* $key], [*mixed* $safe]) Encrypts a text returning the result as a base64 string public **decryptBase64** (*mixed* $text, [*mixed* $key], [*mixed* $safe]) Decrypt a text that is coded as a base64 string public **getAvailableCiphers** () Returns a list of available ciphers