Class **Phalcon\\Filter** ========================= *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\FilterInterface ` .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html :raw-html:`Source on GitHub` The Phalcon\\Filter component provides a set of commonly needed data filters. It provides object oriented wrappers to the php filter extension. Also allows the developer to define his/her own filters .. code-block:: php sanitize("some(one)@exa\\", "email"); // returns "" $filter->sanitize("hello<<", "string"); // returns "hello" $filter->sanitize("!100a019", "int"); // returns "100019" $filter->sanitize("!100a019.01a", "float"); // returns "100019.01" Constants --------- *string* **FILTER_EMAIL** *string* **FILTER_ABSINT** *string* **FILTER_INT** *string* **FILTER_INT_CAST** *string* **FILTER_STRING** *string* **FILTER_FLOAT** *string* **FILTER_FLOAT_CAST** *string* **FILTER_ALPHANUM** *string* **FILTER_TRIM** *string* **FILTER_STRIPTAGS** *string* **FILTER_LOWER** *string* **FILTER_UPPER** Methods ------- public **add** (*mixed* $name, *mixed* $handler) Adds a user-defined filter public **sanitize** (*mixed* $value, *mixed* $filters, [*mixed* $noRecursive]) Sanitizes a value with a specified single or set of filters protected **_sanitize** (*mixed* $value, *mixed* $filter) Internal sanitize wrapper to filter_var public **getFilters** () Return the user-defined filters in the instance