Class **Phalcon\\Loader** ========================= *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\Events\\EventsAwareInterface ` .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html :raw-html:`Source on GitHub` This component helps to load your project classes automatically based on some conventions .. code-block:: php registerNamespaces(array( 'Example\Base' => 'vendor/example/base/', 'Example\Adapter' => 'vendor/example/adapter/', 'Example' => 'vendor/example/' )); //register autoloader $loader->register(); //Requiring this class will automatically include file vendor/example/adapter/Some.php $adapter = Example\Adapter\Some(); Methods ------- public **setEventsManager** (:doc:`Phalcon\\Events\\ManagerInterface ` $eventsManager) Sets the events manager public **getEventsManager** () Returns the internal event manager public **setExtensions** (*array* $extensions) Sets an array of file extensions that the loader must try in each attempt to locate the file public **getExtensions** () Returns the file extensions registered in the loader public **registerNamespaces** (*array* $namespaces, [*mixed* $merge]) Register namespaces and their related directories protected **prepareNamespace** (*array* $namespace) ... public **getNamespaces** () Returns the namespaces currently registered in the autoloader public **registerDirs** (*array* $directories, [*mixed* $merge]) Register directories in which "not found" classes could be found public **getDirs** () Returns the directories currently registered in the autoloader public **registerFiles** (*array* $files, [*mixed* $merge]) Registers files that are "non-classes" hence need a "require". This is very useful for including files that only have functions public **getFiles** () Returns the files currently registered in the autoloader public **registerClasses** (*array* $classes, [*mixed* $merge]) Register classes and their locations public **getClasses** () Returns the class-map currently registered in the autoloader public **register** () Register the autoload method public **unregister** () Unregister the autoload method public **loadFiles** () Checks if a file exists and then adds the file by doing virtual require public **autoLoad** (*mixed* $className) Autoloads the registered classes public **getFoundPath** () Get the path when a class was found public **getCheckedPath** () Get the path the loader is checking for a path