Images ====== :doc:`Phalcon\\Image <../api/Phalcon_Image>` is the component that allows you to manipulate image files. Multiple operations can be performed on the same image object. .. highlights:: This guide is not intended to be a complete documentation of available methods and their arguments. Please visit the :doc:`API <../api/index>` for a complete reference. Adapters -------- This component makes use of adapters to encapsulate specific image manipulator programs. The following image manipulator programs are supported: +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | Class | Description | +================================================================================+============================================+ | :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter\\Gd <../api/Phalcon_Image_Adapter_Gd>` | Requires the `GD PHP extension`_. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter\\Imagick <../api/Phalcon_Image_Adapter_Imagick>` | Requires the `ImageMagick PHP extension`_. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ Implementing your own adapters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :doc:`Phalcon\\Image\\AdapterInterface <../api/Phalcon_Image_AdapterInterface>` interface must be implemented in order to create your own image adapters or extend the existing ones. Saving and rendering images --------------------------- Before we begin with the various features of the image component, it's worth understanding how to save and render these images. .. code-block:: php save(); .. code-block:: php save("new-image.jpg"); You can also change the format of the image: .. code-block:: php save("image.png"); When saving as a JPEG, you can also specify the quality as the second parameter: .. code-block:: php save("image.jpg", 80); Resizing images --------------- There are several modes of resizing: - :code:`\Phalcon\Image::WIDTH` - :code:`\Phalcon\Image::HEIGHT` - :code:`\Phalcon\Image::NONE` - :code:`\Phalcon\Image::TENSILE` - :code:`\Phalcon\Image::AUTO` - :code:`\Phalcon\Image::INVERSE` - :code:`\Phalcon\Image::PRECISE` :code:`\Phalcon\Image::WIDTH` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The height will automatically be generated to keep the proportions the same; if you specify a height, it will be ignored. .. code-block:: php resize( 300, null, \Phalcon\Image::WIDTH ); $image->save("resized-image.jpg"); :code:`\Phalcon\Image::HEIGHT` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The width will automatically be generated to keep the proportions the same; if you specify a width, it will be ignored. .. code-block:: php resize( null, 300, \Phalcon\Image::HEIGHT ); $image->save("resized-image.jpg"); :code:`\Phalcon\Image::NONE` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :code:`NONE` constant ignores the original image's ratio. Neither width and height are required. If a dimension is not specified, the original dimension will be used. If the new proportions differ from the original proportions, the image may be distorted and stretched. .. code-block:: php resize( 400, 200, \Phalcon\Image::NONE ); $image->save("resized-image.jpg"); :code:`\Phalcon\Image::TENSILE` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Similar to the :code:`NONE` constant, the :code:`TENSILE` constant ignores the original image's ratio. Both width and height are required. If the new proportions differ from the original proportions, the image may be distorted and stretched. .. code-block:: php resize( 400, 200, \Phalcon\Image::NONE ); $image->save("resized-image.jpg"); Cropping images --------------- For example, to get a 100px by 100px square from the centre of the image: .. code-block:: php getWidth() - $width) / 2); $offsetY = (($image->getHeight() - $height) / 2); $image->crop($width, $height, $offsetX, $offsetY); $image->save("cropped-image.jpg"); Rotating images --------------- .. code-block:: php rotate(90); $image->save("rotated-image.jpg"); Flipping images --------------- You can flip an image horizontally (using the :code:`\Phalcon\Image::HORIZONTAL` constant) and vertically (using the :code:`\Phalcon\Image::VERTICAL` constant): .. code-block:: php flip( \Phalcon\Image::HORIZONTAL ); $image->save("flipped-image.jpg"); Sharpening images ----------------- The :code:`sharpen()` method takes a single parameter - an integer between 0 (no effect) and 100 (very sharp): .. code-block:: php sharpen(50); $image->save("sharpened-image.jpg"); Adding watermarks to images --------------------------- .. code-block:: php watermark( $watermark, $offsetX, $offsetY, $opacity ); $image->save("watermarked-image.jpg"); Of course, you can also manipulate the watermarked image before applying it to the main image: .. code-block:: php resize(100, 100); $watermark->rotate(90); $watermark->sharpen(5); // Put the watermark in the bottom right corner with a 10px margin $offsetX = ($image->getWidth() - $watermark->getWidth() - 10); $offsetY = ($image->getHeight() - $watermark->getHeight() - 10); $opacity = 70; $image->watermark( $watermark, $offsetX, $offsetY, $opacity ); $image->save("watermarked-image.jpg"); Blurring images --------------- The :code:`blur()` method takes a single parameter - an integer between 0 (no effect) and 100 (very blurry): .. code-block:: php blur(50); $image->save("blurred-image.jpg"); Pixelating images ----------------- The :code:`pixelate()` method takes a single parameter - the higher the integer, the more pixelated the image becomes: .. code-block:: php pixelate(10); $image->save("pixelated-image.jpg"); .. _`GD PHP extension`: .. _`ImageMagick PHP extension`: